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Aludium complaints channel

ALUDIUM PRODUCT TRANSFORMATION S.L. (hereinafter referred to as ALUDIUM), in compliance with Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of individuals reporting regulatory violations and fighting against corruption, and within the framework of its Program for the prevention of the commission of crimes, has implemented an internal information system through which any member of ALUDIUM or third party unrelated to the company who has a relationship with it, and becomes aware of or suspects a regulatory violation (either of legislation or its regulatory development, or of internal corporate regulations) committed by a member of ALUDIUM or by third parties in contact with it in the course of their work activities, may report it to ALUDIUM, either identified or anonymously. 

If the communication you are about to make relates to violations of European Union law, serious or very serious criminal or administrative offenses, or violations of the ALUDIUM Code of Conduct or internal regulations, please make the report through this page.

 If, on the other hand, the communication you are about to make is a commercial origin complaint, you can submit it through the following link

You can view the Internal Information System Policy by clicking on this link: Spanish version and English version

Complaint channel form

    The fields in the IDENTIFICATION section are not mandatory.

    Company relationship *

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