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ACR II ALUMINUM GROUP COÖPERATIEF U.A., with tax identification number 854403401B01, address at Prof. J. H. Bavincklaan 2, 1183 At Amstelveen, The Netherlands, telephone number +31 20 7237 270 and email address for this purpose is the Dutch parent company of GRUPO ALUDIUM.

      For the purposes of what is described in this Policy, GRUPO ALUDIUM is understood as ACR II ALUMINUM GROUP COÖPERATIEF U.A., as well as its subsidiaries, group companies and their staff and representatives.

GRUPO ALUDIUM uses cookies and other technologies to ensure that all users (collectively, “Users”) have secure accounts and improve or personalize the content and experience when browsing this website (“Site Web”).

In order to offer a higher level of transparency, GRUPO ALUDIUM provides detailed information about what they are, when and why they use cookies in the provision of its services through this Cookies Policy (“Cookies Policy”), which applies to any service provided by GRUPO ALUDIUM through the Website.

1. What are cookies?

1.1. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the User’s device or terminal equipment and that allows the storage of information related to the navigation made and its recovery.

1.2. Cookies allow this Website, among other things, to store and retain information about the browsing habits of Users or their devices, recognize the User, obtain information or customize the way content is displayed. Depending on the information contained therein and the use they are making of the devices, they can be used to recognize the User.

1.3. Under no circumstances may cookies harm your computer. On the contrary, the fact that they are active helps us to identify and resolve errors.

2. Types of cookies


2.1. Cookies can be of different types:

(a) Depending on the entity that owns the cookies:

(i) First party cookies : they are sent to the User’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain directly managed by ALUDIUM.

(ii) Cookies from third parties: they are sent to the User’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by a third party.

(b) According to the term in which they remain active:

(i) Session Cookies: collect and store the User’s data while accessing and browsing the Site Web. They disappear when the session ends.

(ii) Persistent Cookies: they collect and store the User’s data for a certain period.

(c) According to its purpose:

(i) Technical or necessary cookies: they allow navigation through the Website and the use of the different services.

(ii) Cookies of preferences or personalization: they allow to remember information so that the User accesses the service with certain features that can differentiate your experience from that of other users based on previously customized parameters.

(iii) Analytical or statistical cookies: they allow the tracking, monitoring and analysis of the navigation and behavior of Users, in order to to introduce improvements based on the analysis carried out.

(iv) Behavioral advertising cookies: they store information on the behavior of Users obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display advertising custom.

2.2. In particular, the Web uses cookies that allow the operation and provision of the services offered and, in particular, the following < b>third-party cookies:


(a) The Website uses the following cookies and similar technologies from third parties:


Purpose of the cookie

Cookie name

Origin/Third Owner





2 years



24 hours




3. Management of cookies and similar technology

3.1. Users can configure the installation of cookies during the Web configuration process and are aware that disabling cookies and similar technology may affect the normal use of it and the services provided by the Web.

3.2. However, to disable the cookies installed by the Web, users must follow the instructions of their equipment, of each browser, as well as the explanations contained in this Cookies Policy.

3.3. To disable cookies, as well as delete their browsing data, Users must follow the instructions of each browser. For example:

3.4. Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the veracity of the privacy policies that may have the third parties mentioned in this Cookies Policy. Web browsers are the tools responsible for storing cookies and from this place Users must exercise their right to delete or deactivate them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by said browsers. In some cases, it resultsIt is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision not to accept them.

4. Privacy Policy

4.1. To consult the rest of the information on the processing of their personal data, Users can go to the Privacy Policy .


5. Changes in Cookie Policy


5.1. GRUPO ALUDIUM may modify this Cookies Policy based on new legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions of the supervisory authorities regarding data protection. When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, Users will be notified by means of an informative notice on the Website.


5.2. For any questions or queries about this Cookies Policy, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact section of the Website or to the following email address


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