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«The data provided within the framework of the investigation procedure will be processed by the ALUDIUM research team, with address in Amorebieta, Barrio Ibarguren s/n, C.P. 48340, Vizcaya, as data controller. ALUDIUM has a designated data protection officer who can be contacted at

The purpose of said processing is to carry out an investigation into communications relating to actions that may constitute inappropriate conduct or actions as described in the Protocol for management, investigation and response to non-compliance communications and the Internal Information System Policy approved by ALUDIUM, as well as in Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption. The basis of legitimation is compliance with the legal obligation to resolve the queries made, applicable under the provisions of Organic Law 10/1995, of November 23, of the Penal Code.

ALUDIUM will keep the personal data for the time strictly necessary to resolve the investigations and to process the corresponding queries and, once resolved, they will remain duly blocked to comply with the legal obligations that, in each case, correspond.

Such personal data will only be communicated to third parties with whom ALUDIUM is legally or contractually obliged to provide them and to those companies in the legal sector to which, where appropriate, it has entrusted the provision of consulting and advisory services.

Under no circumstances will ALUDIUM carry out international transfers of your personal data to third countries outside the European Union or to an international organization.

Only in the event that the fact brought to the attention of ALUDIUM gives rise to administrative or judicial actions, the data provided may be communicated to the competent authorities for investigation and sanction, if applicable. Only in the event that the reported fact gives rise to the initiation of actions by the administrative or judicial authorities, the data of all those involved could be communicated, to the extent that they were required by such authorities for the investigation and investigation of the fact. The rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, or to oppose processing in legally permitted cases, as well as the right to data portability may be exercised, in the terms specified by current regulations. , before ALUDIUM, by written communication (via email, with the reference “Data Protection”). Likewise, you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.”