15 December 2023. At this time of year, the verb “to share” takes on a magical meaning, since sharing these special days with our loved ones is priceless. Smiles, hugs, and get-togethers are the undisputed high points of these weeks. We bid farewell to 2023 and welcome a new year, a new beginning full of good wishes and energy to continue building a sustainable and better future for everyone, leaving no one behind. Aludium loves traditions that’s why, once again, we send you our best wishes during this holiday season with the drawings created by the winners of the Christmas children’s drawing contest, where we award the creativity and originality of the children of our staff members in creating Christmas cards.
The company thanks everybody who took part in the contest since the quality of all the cards sent this year was exceptional. Like every year, the prize money for the two categories is sent to the non-profit association chosen by both winners. This year the organisations selected, which will receive 150 euros each, are the ‘Spanish Metastatic Breast Cancer Association’ and ‘Lola is Searching for a New Look’ (Lola Busca nueva Imagen). The prize money has been distributed equally between them this year since both winners obtained the same number of votes.
In the 0-6 years category: SILVIA CACHO HERNÁNDEZ
Donation of 150 euros to the ‘Spanish Metastatic Breast Cancer Association’

In the 7-11 years category: TRIANA MARTÍNEZ GIL
Donation of 150 euros to the association‘Lola is searching for a new look’.

Spending Christmas with your family and with lots of laughs
At this traditional time of year, we cannot avoid telling you about Father Christmas’s visit to Aludium’s Alicante plant for the long-awaited children’s party held on 13 December to officially welcome Christmas. Father Christmas entertained both young and old throughout the day. In the afternoon, the Aludium Alicante team organised a fun tea party for the children who took part in the Christmas children’s drawing contest. Furthermore, adding a touch of seasonal gaiety, some team members put on their friendliest and most Christmassy sweaters to celebrate ‘National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day’, an American and Canadian tradition held on the third Friday of December which involves putting on an ‘ugly sweater’ decorated with reindeer, elves, snowmen, Christmas motifs, Santa Claus and even lights and music.

Increasing our positive social impact
Our ambition to transform society to make it more equal, inclusive, and fair and to preserve our planet, on a sustainable path, continues to grow. This Christmas we have speeded up our social performance and the last step in closing the year – in line with the Christmas contest – has been that the full amount of the gift intended for customers and other stakeholders has been sent to the NGO SOS Children’s Villages Spain, the largest direct care organisation for children in Spain which runs projects in more than 138 countries. Thus, the gift belongs to everyone… because life is a present and the present is a gift. And there’s nothing better than a child’s smile. Thank you to all our stakeholders, especially to our customers and employees, for being part of this gift full of smiles, all our love and best wishes for 2024. Without your cooperation and trust it would not have been possible. On behalf of the entire Aludium team, thank you for helping us build a better future.